1. Book the date and confirm the price you want to charge.
2. We supply pre-printed envelopes with your set price, normally 3 weeks in advance.
3. You might want to choose a specific colour or style.
4. Your coaches and managers collect names and money.
1. We arrive 45 mins before the start to set-up.
2. We only need an area about 5m x 6m with access to electricity.
1. We take the main photo (allow 5 mins per team).*
2. We supply a proof immediately.
3. Names and headings are filled in on the envelope.
4. We collect the envelope for each team with the money.**
1. We edit the photos, and typeset the proofs.
2. Coaches or managers will be sent a text to view their team proof online at www.photosmart.co.nz
Note: Spelling and grammar are vital so clear handwriting must be used and we do need a contact
number for each team for any queries.
3. Proofs are finalised, printed and laminated.
1. Photos are despatched in 3-4 weeks (unless otherwise requested).
2. The cheque for your club contribution is sent at the same time.
3. Each club can choose a free gift.
Notes: *Please provide 1-2 helpers to marshall the teams.
** Unless prior arrangements are made.